What is the ESN Card ?

It is the membership card for ESN (Erasmus Student Network) and all the ESN associations sell them. The ESNcard or ESN card mostly concentrates all the advantages to use during your Erasmus or when you are in travels all over Europe)

Discounts, special offers, access to certain events, discounts, special offers, trips, etc... The list is still long !

Why register on esncard.org ?

If some good deals are available directly from our partners or during our events, it is important to know that for vouchers (Ryanair, hostelling international, Uniplaces, Logitech, Ouibus ...) you have to register your card on the esncard.org website.

Price and where to get it ?

ln Paris the ESNcard is 12 € and you can buy it from us, just ask for it.